Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Tax Mice of Montparnasse

Ah yes. Poverty, solitude, and imagined and maybe real advancing age has traveled me into some fine dimensions. Corn tortillas, thanks to a well-timed hint by my daughter and her beloved, are cheap and not wheat, which is wonderful. Hours lie around like fat, lazy dogs just begging to be filled with drawing practice, reading archives of must read books and articles, and lots and lots and LOTS of daydreaming. Add to that some solid hours of peering at long expired good, bad, and really bad TV series, and you pretty much have my life of now . . . closing in on a number I never dreamed I would see. No violins please! That is not what I am asking for or expecting. Although I was raised with those handsome and muscular princely rescue images tattooed to my forehead, I have long, long since buried that man along with all romantic expectations and longings. I am overjoyed to spend time with my wee, hipster granddaughter, listen to my children who are now grown stories of fabulous adventures near and far, and walk my remaining four-leggeds who strive everyday to stop me from crying over grandpa. Imagine! In this entire country of people with all consuming debt the IRS found ME! Delinquent of the past three years and now under almost daily mailbox attack to pay up OR ELSE!!! It is that OR ELSE that keeps me awake, and as I lie in bed, imagining what treasure chest I would have to happen upon to pay off this massive and guilt inspiring debt--I remembered MICE! And cooked up this plan . . . I know!!!! If I make 1,000 mice I can charge $5 for each and VOILA!!! In NO TIME I can pay back our benevolent government and continue my struggle for day to day please don't let me be homeless existence!! I wrote everyone letters of good intent--every IRS address I had, the Governor, the President--and I explained that I have never gone on unemployment or food stamps, prefering to keep my life together OMO, and PLEASE stop adding on interest and penalties. YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME!!! And then I started making mice!!! LOL and LOL times a brazillion!!! Here are my first 30 mice which took a loooong time to make. Right now they cost about $165 each!!! Why did I ever think I could do this? OH well. Onward. These mice are CATNIP and forever and always dedicated to ROSALIE of CHEZ ROSALIE. She fed the artists-all starving, and the DOGS and the RATS at her restaurant at 3, rue Campagne Premiere. Viva La!!!!


  1. You need a link to the ETSY listing!

    Hi Lise! =)

  2. THANKS sayward. now if i only knew how to do that!!!! i'll find out!!! and you have to check out my "shame on lady gaga" the anti-meat dress. although peta spanked me because it is silk--which according to some is NOT vegan. still vegetarian though!!! apologies to those silk worms!! xoxoxo

  3. Lise I love that dress! Everything in your shop in fact. If only you made little boys clothes . . . size 3T if you ever became inspired. I'd buy some steam punky stuff for my wee little man. =)

    Just copy the URL from your ETSY page and paste it into a post. You don't have to hyperlink it if you don't know how, just pasting the link should automatically make it live once you publish. Like this:

    Yeah, so now it's here. I'm going to go share with all my FB friends and Twitter followers. Yay!

  4. dearest sayward, you are a doll for helping me out with this. and YES i would like nothing better than to create some steampunkish clothes for the wee waits. i will keep look for great things for him. i have a tiny tailcoat somewhere! Love always and THANK YOU for your support!! xo!

  5. ok. too early. need coffee. lookING. apologies!!!

  6. say . . . one last. not sure how to reach you other than this. thanks for the tip about boys clothing BTW. there seems to be not a whole lot offered. i am going to get busy on this. xo

  7. Everyone wants to make awesome clothes for adorable little girls. Makes sense, frocks are fun and all. But there's no love for the little boys! Trying to outfit a stylish wee man is really hard. It's all truck tees and sports stuff. Oof.

    So yeah, there's a definite niche to be filled there, I think. If you wanted to take that on.

    Me and my little man will be joining you in the ranks of the underpaid-in-paradise within a few months. Moving back to SB as soon as possible. We'll be broke too but always, always down to support a friend/artist. Maybe we could have a fitting - wee Waits would make a great model. =)

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