Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Baby Octopus

Ahhh! Connection. According to yet ANOTHER Ted talk, some people in a far away country measure their happiness as opposed to stressing over rent, student loan debt, health insurance benefits, and crime rates and realities. Yes, I know, I know--I live in Paradise. The food is healthy, the crows chatter constantly, and breezes are sweet, the sunshine is kind, and each day rolls along like . . . well, you see what I mean, I'm sure. But really, when I start feeling disconnected from the people around me who matter, there is nothing for it but to stitch up a wee creature from the great sea of peaceful acceptance and watery calm. Wow! How Buddhist of me!!! And what better fabric than a cotton mini-wale corduroy sent down from a GOOD FRIEND in Oregon who sends me connections to my best artistic self. And oh yes, back to connection in this cyber age. I have become a very low on the scale master of blogging, posting, and many things computer worldly, but it has come at a cost. Some days when I am about to throw the sweetest baby computer ever out the window, I think about all of you who "like" me, and favorite me, and read my blogs and YES!!! I feel connected and that is wonderful! THANKS and love always!


  1. lise, write a childrens book starring this octopus who is beyond adorable and no one says that about an octopus for gods sake! (I recognize the fabric LOVE it!)
