Saturday, September 1, 2012

No More FB!

This blog is ONCE AGAIN breathing life and fire. For one month EXACTLY i will post each and everyday. I bid farewell to FB, a daily exercise in such thoughts as these: "Wow. EVERYONE is so gorgeous. In Rome. In Boston. Traveling the world. Photographing rockstars. Making a brazillion dollars on Etsy. In love. Biking into the outer galaxies. Really pretty. Eating plates of good food. Downloading stories about idiot politicians, abused dogs, abandoned children, insufferably cute kittens, marvelously in shape bodies at burningman at the beach and pretty much everywhere, and so up to date on all of the correct ways to think and chant and view the world." Wow again. The inside of my head sounded like a NY train station and I was SO DAMN ADDICTED to the cotton candy rush of appreciation and jealousy, acknowledgement and envy, love and hate--I had to cut myself off. FOREVER. I really want my life to change. I am not quite sure yet what that chameleon-like figure will look like exactly, but I sure as hell know that my daily dose of cyber wannabe like all of those people and NOT ME, is NOT helpful in any way. So. Done. Please, if you are a friend, interested party, or simply bored at lunch at your computer--READ MY BLOG, FRIEND ME, and click a little bit farther to my ETSY store. I have not sold a damn thing from there, but it is a fun place to look at my wild and interesting creations. Including taxmice!!! I looove to email--email me at liselovesparis@gmail, go to my Etsy store--xanxan and KEEP RETURNING. I have an exciting month planned--thoughts, writings, photos, and handmade everythings from my little corner of Paris. Love always and THANKS for keeping my cyber voice alive!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i love you and everything you write and everything you photograph and publish and i am so glad you are on the planet!!!
