Monday, September 3, 2012

Tying It All Together

The tree that grew up!
It is a virtual jungle!
One of my victims. It's OK. At least it is not a dead deer, or a drug dealer, or  removing a tattoo with a blow torch.
OK. Today is Day #2 or maybe day #3? Good gawd I cannot keep them straight and YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!!! We have WEATHER!! CLOUDS to be specific!! It is 67 degrees (some day I will find that damn little degree circle and figure out how to use it) AND CLOUDY.  Some high flying ones to be exact.  So I had to climb up on my rooftop and shoot them for you. One shot in each direction just to keep everything balanced. Ok. Deep breath. So far so good.  Are you still with me? I sincerely hope so because this little journey is going to ramble. It will not cost us a single dime, however, and oh my gawd DIMES by the way, are so SO thin!! What were they thinking when they created the dime? It takes me FOREVER to feed them into that damn self-check out machine at the store! When I hit these times of no work and no money, I tend to go crazy in some interesting ways. Two years ago I painted the entire outside of my bungalow!! In a week! Ha, ha, ha. I could barely walk afterwards!  Last time I was in this same place, kind of like a bad video game and the level that just keeps kicking my ass, I felled that entire field next to my house BY HAND. Yeah. I can still just barely raise my arms. This time I am sitting and looking at the VAST JUNGLE which surrounds my tiny home. Entire families of birds are grateful for this unkempt forest, but GEEZ LOUISE . . . the trees that stand alongside our deck BARELY cleared the deck when we first moved in. NOW LOOK AT THEM!!! They grew up and away just as tall and far as the children who lived beneath them. Before I succumb to my usual despair over the change of all that-here is what I am doing THIS YEAR!!! Being inspired as only a true hermit can be by the sheer diversity and constant company of good bad TV which I watch for free on my teeny tiny computer, I am determined not to let any subtle form of aging get me down.  Sure, as those of you who know me well remember, the past weeks have been a symphony of whining over real and highly colorful illnesses and injuries and so it was with much trepidation and very little bravado that I placed my ladder alongside one of the leafy aforementioned behemoths and began sawing.  Remembering the vase dropping nose breaking incident scared me back down and I sat on my deck, heart pounding, and pondered my lack of courage. Until I remembered the mother from SOA, and Jesse from BB, and all of the chefs from HK, not to mention the supreme confidence of the family from HCHBB, and VOILA!!!! I was back up climbing that tree and hacking off some of the biggest branches, well all right. . .some of the smaller branches anyway.  The handsaw takes forever but instead of climbing on the back of some chopper boy's bike, I think I will find me a chainsaw instead.  THANK YOU for keeping me company and LOVE ALWAYS!!

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