Friday, September 14, 2012

Lord of the Trees

You know, I was going to get all crazy and worry about cropping out the buildings and vehicles and such, but with them you can see how this tree lords its leafy perfection over everything else!!
Halfway through my goal and it is 77 degrees and clear skies sailing by and bringing us our nightly dose of star canopy.  Umm. So there I was, quite EXHAUSTED I must admit by today's labors which you do NOT want to even know about--suffice it to say those labors did NOT include winning any sort of lottery (except maybe the one called September 14 which is without a doubt the most important lottery to win), taxmice sales, atm machines erupting as I walked past, figuring out the ending to "The Little Book of Rats", baking any kind of cupcakes or baking anything at all, finding out whether or not I have landed a certain job, the end (finally) to global suffering on oh so many levels, no--my labors and the day's share of decisions had me wound up tight as the proverbial spring as walking along, like I said, I LOOKED UP--and there stood (and STANDS THANK GAWD!!) our city's finest tree. One of them at any rate, and if you read my HappyFaceProject--you remember that I slapped a big old happy face right on this tree because GEEZ LOUISE!!! It is a perfect tree!! Standing beneath its ever arching branch perfection reminds me of my eternal love for trees--I perched in them reading when I was little, pelted neighbors with acorns from them when I was old enough to know better, and you know I still climb them whether or not I need to so YES!!! What can be finer? I swear, so many dozens of birds nest in this tree as the sun is setting, it is just this side of becoming airborne, roots and all. And if that ever happens? I am grabbing on and going along wherever this tree takes us. Just letting you know. Love always!! and DANG!! halfway points are hard. Sometimes they make what came before seem pointless, and what is to follow a possibly futile exercise in  . . .  . . well, exercise.  But I still believe in this journey, and after a night's worth of dreams you can bet I will be back at it tomorrow.

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