Thursday, September 13, 2012

Walk Daydream Visit

74 degrees and clear. Again with the extreme head pain. "Stress." says one friend. "Sinuses." says another. And I must admit to some residual broken nose trauma and some missing my Queensland shadows. Both of those too tough to deal with situations persist, sad to say-and the advice I get, via cyber, is to MAKE CHANGES, and BECOME INTENTION CLEAR, and MOVE WITH PURPOSE--and yeah, pretty much it was being yelled like that and AS HARD AS I TRIED to shame myself into doing any of those, I really just wanted to walk, daydream along the way, and go to visit one of my very best people who always ALWAYS makes me feel better, comforts me, and makes me forget all my troubles. On the spot. Yes she does all of those things. And always has. I am extremely lucky, fortunate beyond belief that she is in my life and my visit today found her preparing canvases, hair tied up in a working painter's knot, and  such welcome and vivacious and lively company. Without moving more than ten feet we ate salad soup, discussed everyone we know far and wide, remembered moments worthy of memory, fast forwarded to visits and events and possiblities to come, solved many of the world's big and large problems, and validated why life is a precious and unique and not to be missed experience. I don't think she realizes it, but while she is talking my mind is racing back and forth, gathering tiny gigas of remembrances there, present beauty here, and assembling a picture in my mind's eye for all time safekeeping. She was the first one, you know, I ever truly loved and even though now she is way grown up, as we sit there, I see all the years from the very first tiny precious blue-lung shimmering scale breath through shades of color like riots on canvas to today--impossibly grey eyed, hair twisted up like I said, her heart in full flight around her, and art and beauty in each word. There IS unconditional love in the world, and OH SO FORTUNATELY in my life, because standing in her kitchen listening to her describe the dinner she had made which was fast becoming mine as she wraps it up for me, I watch the sun catch her hair and breathe deeply in gratitude for my life well lived. Love always and LOVE ALWAYS to my muse!!

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