Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Invisible Woman at the Edge of the World

It does your heart so much good to sit where the sea meets the sky. The air is fresh and hints of far distant lands. Unseen.
Looking back to a city I love hate. Perfect place to raise my children. Scene of much daily struggle. Need to find more joy.
My trusty steed loaned to me by my beloved daughter It says "free spirit" on the frame. Love it.
Here you are with me on THE EDGE OF THE WORLD. Cue sound effects. Oh. I'll do them for you. Chattering tourists speaking in languages I do not understand, the calls of sea birds, a faint breeze, and NOTHING ELSE.
72 degrees mostly CLOUDY. and oh what a delicious cloud layer it is. sincerely. truly. like a blanket just hinting of rain. possible thundershowers. rain in the desert. nothing better. I spent so much of my early life, wishing that I was noticed for all the right reasons and being heartbroken that I wasn't for reasons not easily understood (Grenouille possibly?, that I settled for being noticed for all the wrong reasons and yeah, that did not work out so well. Somewhere in the past two decades I discovered something MAGICAL.  I am invisible.  At first my invisibility caused me tremendous distress. I would try to say hello to random people at stores, in restaurants and little bars and they would BARELY DEIGN to speak to me. WTF? Hmmmm . . . I cared so much about all of this, that I completely used up whatever caring I had left. Now I revel in my ability to bike here and there, notice people, listen to conversations, and basically do what I love to do--WITNESS!! I love it! This day, which holds so much promise simply because it is here and we are in it, brings me to one of my most beloved spots-the very very edge of the pier. Thinking that some of you might be landlocked or confined to your desk--come with me! I used to tell my beloved children that when we stood here and looked out to the vastness of that impossibly blue world that we were AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD. Love always!


  1. Grenouille? Not possible, moi petit Xanxan. Perhaps "gamin," non?

    �� yr posts..

    1. ahhhhh. and i thought i would get slapped for misspelling grenouille but decided to post it anyway. you are definitely and will always be one of my best and main inspirations. xo.
