Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Breaking Mice and Income

a very very clever young woman told me how to do this ETSY link. let's hope it works and THANK YOU S!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/xanxan
Coming to a $100 bill near you.
Perhaps I will package them all up and send them to the IRS. Can you picture 1,000 catnip mice running around the offices? Mouseatouille style.
WOW! You want to read controversy? Try reading reviews, articles, and comments on "Breaking Bad", reputed to be the #1 TV show in our country.  I don't know about you, but long ago in the series I started drooling over those bricks of 100s.  Just one, just give me one. OK. Maybe two and I'll share. And this last episode? Really?? A storeroom of money? A colossal sized solid block of an unknowable amount of cash? Geez Louise. Long after the dust clears from this entire civilization experiment, I bet NPR will still be interviewing the major players, and writers will be discussing the pros and cons of this type of entertainment writing. Onward. Oh. Except now I finally now what that old crystal blue persuasion song was about!! Who knew?!! Thanks WW! My wee granddaughter calls my making mice "The Mouse Factory" which is so right.  Here are three mice who represent #48, #49, and #50. Added to the NY hatbox-the mice of my labor IF THEY FETCH $100 each will just cover my country crippling IRS debt. Less postage and handling.  950 more mice to go!! And please, you just have to love the window sign!! The power of zero. Love always!!


  1. i love the idea of the cat toys at the IRS. I'll follow you via Google Friend connect. Will you follow me too? (I sound like Genesis back in the 1980s). your note made my night. thanks so much :) now that you promised me you'd write each day, to i have to do it, TOO? LOL xoxoxo

  2. yes. and i will tell you why janine--because i adore your writing. i cannot honestly say i have ever said that about anyone other than myself and my daughter. you are straightforward and not pretentious and WOW what a relief to read in this white bread burg! or is it berg. i never get that straight--but yeah. if you ever want to email me direct, please do. in the meantime i will be content to read your however you get around to it daily or not posts. xoxoxo and thanks for reading my blog for gawds sake!!
