Friday, July 12, 2013

Sky is the Limit

And here we are. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Live and real and busy doing a brazillion things, experiencing a million adventures, and chasing down memories of three decades, loading forgotten means and ways of magic, and urging ourselves on through fatigue when few will know, fewer still will care, and even less will appreciate. "There are a lot of problems buried out there in that desert." comes from my boss, a rock-solid good old boy with a heart as strong as his soul, and as we gazed down on a million (at least) cubic feet of stuff in our beloved dumpster WOW we appreciated our barely halfway through job really well done. Because finding an authentic purpose and deep meaning in life as to career and finances and all of that stuff I would SO rather not think about constantly, I vowed to do what was before me and really? A dumpster? Loaded TWICE? Me in my toxic waste mask shoveling out, well, I don't want to talk about that but yeah really? Me? I mean am I not supposed to be lounging on a riviera somewhere or sipping something sinful on that certain bridge in Paris or getting my nails done, hair styled, cards read, car washed, passport stamped or lottery ticket cashed? Whaaat? Wait . . . people keep asking me: "What are you going to do for the big 6-0?" and tonight, after a solid seven days of working REALLY hard, with everything aching and I do not even want to talk about my blasted out shoes or completely trashed clothes, I am going to tell you. Here goes: I am the VERY FIRST to admit that many hits on my blog make me insanely happy, turning out a killer batch of vegan anythings makes me ecstatic, the super small puffs floating across our summertime sky make me thankful to be alive, broken and chipped fingernails-all of them BTW-make me feel like a little tomboy devil, the cyber sounds of my youngest home for a few short weeks only before he leaves for northern promise-my last to go- makes me feel warm and included, my rescue pup's head on my foot makes me feel loved and all of this is wonderful, fabulous ENOUGH actually but WAIT there is more. Here is what I am going to do . . . tonight, right now on this glorious midsummer's night of historic proportion, I am going to tell you a short story about some special people in my life.  "Make a wish" her card says and those three words remind me to appreciate this: how can you EVER know what will come next in your life? Last year, the worst year of my existence,  I imagined myself succumbing to despair. I wondered if I could will my heart to stop. I was alone with my pain. I felt invisible. And not so many months later, because of much much writing, much much support from my beloved children, and some solid support from a boss I mentioned above-I am able to read BIRTHDAY WISHES that are some of the most loving and generous I have ever known. Who knew that a man capable of heaving a fully loaded trash can TWICE over his head into a dumpster from a porch several feet above to resounding applause and well-deserved ooohs and ahhhs, a man I have watched JUMP up a creaky ladder many feet above a stage to fool with yet another slippery light, a man who almost scares me and whom I would NEVER want to disappoint is father to one of the smartest, kindest, and most loving young women I have ever had the honor of knowing. Truly.  THANK YOU could NEVER say what I honestly feel. I am that speechless. The card that she gave to me is the official beginning of one of my most beloved birthdays of all time, and so YES!!! A birthday week!!! Sooo much cake!!  Her words remind me that truly our only mission and purpose on our beloved planet is to love and love well and love with all our hearts. Seriously, like the grinch himself-I know that her card and her words have caused my heart to grow and I am hopeful for the fate of many and the future of life on earth because she is here with me now.  May I always measure up to her respect and be deserving of such love. Every moment we spent working together was special and make a wish? OK. I'll bet you know what it is and thank you for reading and LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER! VIVA LA VIDA!!!


  1. That's so amazing, Lise! Taylor, you are awesome! I hope to get to know you better in the future! xoxo

  2. lisa your writing is fantastic

    1. dearest stranger pmay,
      with all my heart . . . THANK YOU.
