Friday, June 28, 2013

Dead Wood

YEP. This is me celebrating a wonderful moment with all of you, my loyal and much loved cyber followers.  I know tonight will bring dog walks, a marvelous sunset (warm!), some wonderful emails to read from a friend who writes for gawds sake, and at the end of all that . . . sit down. Are you? OK. One of my dearest friends down south will laugh herself off of her couch when she reads these next words, but after A YEAR of dragging them out, TONIGHT I celebrate the final episode of Deadwood.  A series which I have scowled at, cussed at, squinted through my fingers at, and watched with so much swaggering adoration for some of the characters, the setting (the mud! the pigs!), and of course, the costumes.  Here to snuggle up with me are my VEGAN WHISKEY CAKES, with dark chocolate vegan ganache dusting their little tops and a frosting of vegan whiskey buttercream to seal the deal.
I close with the words of the man himself: "The world ends when you're dead." ~Al
Love always!!!


  1. Mmmm, those look amazing! I tried to make a whiskey cake when I was just a wee budding baker and it didn't work out so well. I bet yours are divine.

  2. Yeah I am just totally having a great time with alcohol fueled vegan cupcakery right now. cupcakes are just the perfect eye candy size, perfect delicious proportions, and with a little whiskey? Oh my goodness. Al himself would be proud!!! Thanks Sayward!!!! xoxoxoxo
