Monday, May 7, 2018


WELL OK, I guess I can take the caps lock off now.  At least for a moment.  But here's the thing . . . so just like everyone else I have had rent, bills, health challenges, broken bone (s), dogs to walk, Ulysses to read, a future to figure out, etc etc etc ad nauseum as always and what do I spend my time doing? To be fair, healing from my breaks AND a monster of a cold (must have been The Terror I was reading and watching-so much ice! so much cold! so many frozen body parts! oh dear gawd-I became a bit obsessed with these historical fictions which are truly the thing of scifi adventures-these MEN who go out and explore places that are trying to KILL THEM!!! and then AFTER The Terror I was forced to read Into Thin Air and then I HAD to spend hours and hours researching those people climbing and dying and blaming each other!!!! WHEW!!!) but anyway, all of the above necessitated some serious bedtime but HOLY MOTHER OF GAWD!!!! how in the WORLD is it May? And a few days into May?

 I know that you have been sitting and waiting so, so patiently for my next blogpost where I ONCE AGAIN will claim to be saving the world or some such nonsense AND HERE IT IS!!! I have not managed to save the world YET, but here is my blog post where I will fling myself at your feet and BEG YOU to direct people to my blog and my etsy shop.  Out here on the far, far reaches of Recognition Highway I have been polishing off my shingle for upwards of 4 or 5 decades and oh my goodness!!! CRICKETS seem to be my constant companions-so come on dear long suffering readers! You don't have to buy anything. You don't have to even LIKE anything. But would you please click around, notice what I have managed to get online-I REFUSE to talk about how long it took me!!! and leave me with a happy face, a congratulations wink, a thumbs up, share my blog and etsy store, ANYTHING so that I don't feel like I am communicating from the land of missed opportunity.

I thank you. I am deeply humbled that you even wade through these words. Am I unique? Special? HARDLY AND NO. But here's the thing . . . even though there are a BILLION blogs and a BILLION etsy stores-this is my tiny, tiny corner of my world and please, I am inviting you in. OK.  I am exhausted and yes, you know it, back to Ulysses!!!!!! LOVE ALWAYS.  Here is my Etsy store: go to Etsy and type in xanxan-that should get you there. I want to mail away EVERYTHING-especially my art dresses so if you want something-email me. for gawd's sake I'll send it to you!!! Now I am seriously heading off for a solid hour with my favorite James. xoxox
Lise Lange
Etsy shop  xanxan